Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kiana Finds Her Voice

Everyday it is getting more enjoyable watching Kiana discover new things. Here is a video of her having fun with her voice. There is one point in the video where she just goes on forever. Watch the video and enjoy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kiana's Dance Video

We brought out the overhead attachment for Kiana's bouncer and she loves it! The overhead attachment plays various animal sounds and music. Watch the video and you will notice Kiana's legs are moving to the music.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kiana's first Hiking Adventure

It was the perfect day for a hike! Heather and I decided to take Kiana out on her first hiking adventure. Even though Kiana slept most of the time, it was nice to take in the fresh air and see the wonderful sites of Lapham Peak. Here are some pictures of Kiana's first hiking adventure.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Kiana Video

Here is a video of Kiana. She is so happy to see daddy after a long day at work.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Three Diapers + Spilled Breast Milk = Daddy Surrenders

Yes, you read the title correctly. Daddy did not have a good night. Kiana hasn't been pooping for the past couple of days which had caused me to be a little worried. As some of you may not know, I don't handle dirty diapers very well. I have to pull my shirt over my nose. Well anyways, back to the "not pooping for two days" got me concerned because eventually what goes in must come out and if it's in there a long time we could be headed for a blowout diaper. Thank goodness that did not happen. However, before I bottle fed Kiana, I changed one very poopy diaper. Once that was done with, I got all comfortable and was just about to bottle feed Kiana and she pooped in her diaper. I had to change her right away before I passed out. Yes, it was that bad especially since it was stuck in her for two days. Once the second diaper was changed I setup to bottle feed her again. Kiana sucked down 1oz of breast milk and then I decided to burp her. I put her back on my lap and before I started to feed her I was getting all of the air out of the plastic liner in the bottle. To educate those who may not know, this is a plastic baby bottle with a drop-in plastic liner. Once the breast milk or baby formula is poured into the plastic liner, you must squeeze the plastic liner to get the air out. Well, I squeezed a little too hard and too much and had about 2oz of breast milk explode on me. Not fun. At this point, Heather is laughing too hard and can't get up right away to help me. While this is all going on, what does Kiana decide to do? Yes, you guessed it. She poops again. At this point, I am on diaper number three with spilled breast milk all over my right hand, pants, and a surrender flag in my left hand.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Baby's Smile

After a long day at work your baby's smile can make you feel good. I thought I would post a couple pictures of Kiana's smile that I enjoy seeing everyday.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Restless Kiana

Well I got home from work today and right away Heather said, "She is your daughter." Yea, it was one of those days where Kiana was restless all day long and only took a couple of half hour naps. Heather was tired from the night before and today was not able to get any rest. On the upside, hopefully from being restless all day Kiana will sleep through the night. Heather and I are crossing our fingers.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Go Packers!

Kiana's Packer jersey - $25

Heather's Packer jersey - $52

Watching the Packer game with Kiana -


Kiana's Packer jersey - $25

Dad's Packer jersey - $52

Smiling at Dad while Packers are winning the game -


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Shopping Day

Heather and I decided to get out of the house today and do some clothes shopping. It seems our clothes shopping experience has changed since we have had Kiana. We have in mind what we want for clothes but in the end, we find ourselves in the baby section buying more clothes, shoes, or toys for Kiana. Well, today we stuck to our guns, well almost... I had to get her the talking Cookie Monster. Actually, the truth of the matter is, I thought it was a cool toy and had to have it. I just said, "We are buying it for Kiana." The point of this whole blog entry is when you have a baby, everything in your life changes. Feel free to comment on changes if you as a  parent may have noticed in having a baby.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Soaking up the Sun

 The stroller cruise yesterday must have wore Kiana out. She soaked up the sun during her long nap today. 

Well rested and very happy to see daddy. In case you are wondering what her shirt says, it reads: "My parents are exhausted!" So true on some days! Well worth it! Look at that smile!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Stroller Cruise

It was such a nice day Heather and I decided to take Kiana on her first stoller cruise around the block. Kiana was able to look around and take in the sights in style in her souped up stroller. This stroller is way nice! It features double cup holders, storage container for keys, phone, ipod, storage underneath for bags, and a suspension to soak up the bumps.

Stroller Cruisin in Style

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Daycare Decision

Toured a daycare facility yesterday for Kiana and we loved it! Daycare is one of those necessities in life if both parents are working. At least she will only be there part-time. The daycare we chose is called Little Dumplings and is not just a daycare but an educational experience. They will set goals that she can accomplish for her age. For example, one of the things they teach her as she gets older is sign language! Guess we as parents will be bilingual.