Thursday, September 30, 2010

Soaking up the Sun

 The stroller cruise yesterday must have wore Kiana out. She soaked up the sun during her long nap today. 

Well rested and very happy to see daddy. In case you are wondering what her shirt says, it reads: "My parents are exhausted!" So true on some days! Well worth it! Look at that smile!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Stroller Cruise

It was such a nice day Heather and I decided to take Kiana on her first stoller cruise around the block. Kiana was able to look around and take in the sights in style in her souped up stroller. This stroller is way nice! It features double cup holders, storage container for keys, phone, ipod, storage underneath for bags, and a suspension to soak up the bumps.

Stroller Cruisin in Style

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Daycare Decision

Toured a daycare facility yesterday for Kiana and we loved it! Daycare is one of those necessities in life if both parents are working. At least she will only be there part-time. The daycare we chose is called Little Dumplings and is not just a daycare but an educational experience. They will set goals that she can accomplish for her age. For example, one of the things they teach her as she gets older is sign language! Guess we as parents will be bilingual.